Recently, the series Over the Sea I Come to You has gained the highest ratings, the ratings of CMS55 Prime Time is 1.548 and the view counts on the Tencent Video is 1.7 billion. With the development of the story, the feelings lines have become more complicated. Xiaodong Huang, played by Joseph ZENG, is facing the broken relationship with his father, the death of his mother. The audience was touched by Joseph ZENG’s performance. The topic “Distressed Xiaodong Huang” has gained 38 million PViews. Growing up with the role, Joseph ZENG has finished the shooting of the series Over the Sea I Come to You perfectly. The director Xiaofeng YAO and Honglei SUN have praised Joseph ZENG’s performance.

The series is broadcasted on ZJSTV and Shanghai Dragon TV. At the same time, it is broadcasted on Tencent video, IQIYI and YOUKU video platform every night. What will happen on Xiaodong HUANG in the next story? Let us wait and see!